On-line submission of Application Form upto 11.50 p.m.(including uploading of photograph and signature)
First attempt 01.09.2018 to 30.09.2018
Date for successful final transaction of fee 01.09.2018 to01.10.2018
(through Credit/Debit Card/ Net Banking up
to 11.50 p.m. and through e-challan upto
bank hours)
Dates of Examination Between 06.01.2019(Sunday) to 20.01.2019
Second attempt 08.02.2019 to 07.03.2019
Date for successful final transaction of fee
(through Credit/Debit Card/ Net Banking up
to 11.50 p.m. and through e-challan upto bank hours) 08.02.2019 to 08.03.2019
Dates of Examination Between 06.04.2019(Sunday),to 20.04.2019(Saturday)
Declaration of Result on NTA’s website By 31st January, 2019 By 30th April, 2019