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JEEMAINS -2019(First Attempt)

Exam Details

Date of Notification 02/09/2018
Last Date 30/09/2018
Exam Date 01.09.2018 to 30.09.2018
Communication Details https://jeemain.nic.in/
Eligibility Eligibility Criteria of JEE Main 2019 Age Limit For appearing in the JEE (Main) Examination there is no age limit for the candidates. The candidates who have passed XII Examination in 2017, 2018 or appearing in 2019 irrespective of their age can appear in JEE (Main) Examination – 2019 The candidates should satisfy themselves about the eligibility of age limit requirements of the Institutes in which he/she is desirous of taking admission. Year of Appearance in Qualifying Examination (QE): Only those candidates who have passed their Class 12th Exam or any equivalent qualifying examination in 2017 or 2018; or those who are appearing in their Class 12th Exam or any equivalent qualifying exam in 2019 are eligible to appear in both January 2019 and April 2019 JEE(Main)-2019 Exam. Candidates who passed Class 12th/Qualifying Exam 2016 or before as well as those who will appear in such examination in 2020 or later are not eligible to appear in JEE (Main)-2019 No. of Subjects in the Qualifying Exam (QE): Candidates must have taken at least five subjects in class 12th/qualifying exam in order to be eligible for writing JEE (Main)-2019. The candidates who have taken four subjects are not permitted to write JEE (Main)-2019 and if such candidates appear in JEE (Main)-2019 by furnishing wrong information, their rank/result will not be declared. NTA Score & Compilation of Result of Paper-1 and Paper-2 for JEE (Main)-2019: NTA Score for Paper-1 and Paper-2: Following shall be applicable for both the attempts After the JEE (Main)-2019 examinations, the NTA will display Answer Keys & recorded responses of multiple choice questions of Paper-1 and Paper-2 on the NTA?s website www.jeemain.nic.in Eligibility for NITs, IIITs & CFTIs participating through Seat Allocation Board: Admission to NITs, IIITs & CFTIs participating though Central Seat Allocation Board will be based on All India Rank as explained above in section 2.10 subject to the condition that the candidate should have secured at least 75% marks in the 12th class exam or be in the top 20% in the 12th class exam conducted by the respective Boards For SC/ST candidates the qualifying marks would be 65% in the 12th class exam Subjects /Courses Subject combinations required in the qualifying exam for admission to B.E./B. Tech. & B. Arch./B. Planning Courses in NITs, IIITs, and other CFTIs shall be as under. For B.E. /B Tech – Required Criteria based on Class 12th/Equivalent qualifying Exam; passed 10+2 Exam with Physics and Mathematics as compulsory subjects along with one of the Chemistry/Biotechnology/Biology/Technical Vocational subjects. B.Arch./B.Planning– Passed 10+2 Examination with Mathematics. Number of Seats in various Institutions: For all admission related procedures/queries, the candidates are advised to refer the website of JoSAA, Central Seat Allocation Board (CSAB) or the concerned State Govt. /Institute after declaration of ranks of JEE (Main) – 2019
Course Bachelor of Engineering / Technolgy (BE / B.Tech)
Specialization Aeronautical Engineering (BE / B.Tech)
Exam Pattern online
Application Procedure

 Application Procedure

Application Form will be released from 01st September 2018 (Jan exam). Below we are providing the details of JEE Main registration 2019:
Candidates should supply all the required details while filling up the online form. On submission of details, a Acknowledgement Page with Application No. shall be generated
Candidates are required to apply online for JEE Mains 2019 exam.
JEE Main application form 2019 will be released from 1st September 2018 (Jan exam).
Candidates have to upload the scanned images of passport size photograph   (name & date should be mentioned )and signature.
Photograph dimension should be 3.5 x 4.5 cm and dimension of signature should be 3.5 x 1.5 cm.
The images should be in JPG or JPEG format.
Multiple applications from a single candidate will be rejected.
There is no provision to send the hard copy of the application.
List of Colleges
Notification website
Contact Details

 National Testing Agency 

Block C-20 1A/8 ,Sector- 62
IITK Outreach Centre, Gautam Buddh Nagar
Noida-201309, Uttar Pradesh (India)
Telephone No. :  7042399520, 7042399521, 7042399525, 7042399526
Email : jeemain-nta[at]nic[dot]in
Sucess Tips
Important Dates

 On-line submission of Application Form upto 11.50 p.m.(including uploading of photograph and signature)


First attempt                                                              01.09.2018 to 30.09.2018



Date for successful final transaction of fee                  01.09.2018 to01.10.2018

(through Credit/Debit Card/ Net Banking up

to 11.50 p.m. and through e-challan upto

bank hours)


Dates of Examination                                                            Between 06.01.2019(Sunday) to 20.01.2019               



Second  attempt                                                        08.02.2019 to  07.03.2019


Date for successful final transaction of fee

(through Credit/Debit Card/ Net Banking up

to 11.50 p.m. and through e-challan upto bank hours)   08.02.2019 to 08.03.2019


Dates of Examination                                            Between 06.04.2019(Sunday),to 20.04.2019(Saturday)


Declaration of Result on NTA’s website By 31st January, 2019 By 30th April, 2019

Exam Centres

 All Over India
